While you build your knowledge about Dyslexia, it’s essential to gear yourself with Dyslexia learning tools that support your journey in nurturing a child’s growth with Dyslexia. Among the several tools available for parents and education providers, we’ve carefully enlisted some learning tools to help you along the way.
You can read about these applications and how they can aid in meeting the numerous challenges associated with Dyslexia.
Common challenges associated in children with Dyslexia
Brief summary of some of the most widely known Dyslexia Learning Tools
Supporting your child’s growth through the varying challenges of Dyslexia can get overwhelming. Using learning tools as a Dyslexia resource can help your child progress faster in an environment conducive to their style of learning.
This is an iPad app where you create graphic organisers like family trees and word webs. You can take notes, and import documents or audio clips from other relevant platforms. You can create documents from scratch or build off from the pre-set templates available in the app.
In using the Kidspiration app, a child with learning disabilities aged 5 – 10 can work on visually organising their thoughts. The app assists them in learning vocabulary, writing, maths and other skills. You can import documents from other platforms, apply easy-to-use diagram creations, picture-to-text conversions, audio playback of highlighted words, and attach audio clips from other platforms.
For kids struggling with communication, the MyTalkMobile allows them to enhance their talking skills through multiple modalities. Other features also include text-to-speech, audio and more.
The Articulation Station is a great application that features six activities to help kids learn the English consonant pronunciation. These activities include two story activities, two sentence activities, matching and flashcard tasks. Parents can also track the child’s progress, listen to their recordings on audio and personalise word lists.
Children dealing with Dyslexia have a hard time comprehending verbal instructions. Therefore, the Fun with Directions app allows them to learn both auditory and text instructions through a colourful animated environment. Upon progressing every level, the complexity of the game increases. Parents or educators using this app can also customise the method of delivery regarding instructions.
This app helps children efficiently learn simple action phrases. They can interact with the app using the illustrations and words corresponding with the action phrase. Once the phrase is built by the child, the character in the app reads the phrase aloud and also performs the action.
The Choice Works app helps children learn to become more organised. There are four main features: Schedule Board, Waiting Board, Feelings Board and the Feelings Scale. The schedule board enables the child to customise a schedule and check off columns once the kids completes a task. The waiting board includes the use of a photo showing why the child is waiting. A timer is also used as an option to display the waiting period, showing possible activities the child can do as they wait. The feelings board is where the child can show how they feel and be presented with coping strategies for the same. Lastly, the feelings scale allows the parent or tutor to track the feelings of the child reported in the feelings board.
Designed to integrate intuitive number sense, the Fuzzy Numbers app is made for children aged 3-5. The games allow children to discover number concepts like more/less, in four unique fairy tale settings.
Dexteria dots help children learn the basics of arithmetic. The app uses simple interactive dot visuals. Children are also shown maths problems, combining and separating dots to solve given problems.
There are several dyslexia learning tools available. If you want to know more about how these tools can help you, reach out to us at True Literacy.