AbstractThe past two decades have witnessed an explosion in our understand-ing of dyslexia (or specific reading disability), the most common andmost carefully studied of the learning disabilities. We first reviewthe core concepts of dyslexia: its definition, prevalence, and devel-opmental course. Next we examine the cognitive model of dyslexia,especially the phonological theory, and review empiric data suggest-ing genetic and neurobiological influences on the development ofdyslexia. With the scientific underpinnings of dyslexia serving as afoundation, we turn our attention to evidence-based approaches todiagnosis and treatment, including interventions and accommoda-tions. Teaching reading represents a major focus.
The key to understanding a child or adult with learning differences is understanding how that child or adult’s brain is wired and how that affects how they learn best. Although there is still much to learn, we know so much about teaching our students and we need to provide educators and parents with the tools to support the students’ learning. Also, in addition to actual interventions we need to treat our students with compassion, respect and patience. If WE as professionals are properly trained, we will alter our students’ paths for their entire life.