Parents and Educators

Literacy Instruction Spotlight: Structured Literacy

This spotlight series aims to share the leading approaches to reading instruction.  The research is clear that students learn best when reading interventions are explicit, systematic, intensive, and multisensory. However, traditional reading instruction (like Guided Reading and Balanced Instruction) have failed to meet the needs of those diagnosed with dyslexia. And since the majority of

Debunking Myths About Dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the most studied and best understood of all the different types of learning challenges. Yet, several myths about dyslexia persist. This is largely due to the fact that there is insufficient transfer of knowledge about the science of reading into teacher university programs and professional development opportunities for educators. Consequently, almost

Embracing Dyslexia

From Dr. Hart:  This hour-long documentary dives into the social and emotional impact of dealing with dyslexia and the numerous misunderstandings that lead to frustration, confusion and even anger.  The directors deftly use personal stories to help others more deeply understand the experience of the dyslexic person. You may also visit and check our online

early stage

Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz

Including an exclusive recommendation from Dr. Hart

From Dr. Hart:  Overcoming Dyslexia is sort of the Ground Zero of accessible texts that help parents (and educators, for that matter) in the process of discussing Dyslexia and  understand what dyslexia is and what we can do to support our students who struggle with reading.  Although published in 2004, Dr. Shaywitz’s book remains very