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Structured Word Inquiry Tutoring: The “Why” of Spelling and Reading in English


Executive Function and Dyslexia

A Short Introduction

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What are the Incidence Rates for Dyslexia? Research indicates that up to 20% of the population suffer to some degree with dyslexia many of whom will NOT qualify for special education…but they will struggle with academics and will benefit from early identification and instruction that is intensive, systematic and explicit. Supporting the foundational skills through

Does Dyslexia Go Away as You Get Older?

No. A very common myth is that dyslexia is something that you grow out of. In truth, dyslexia is a lifelong issue that can impact you differently depending on the environment you are in. During your school years, having dyslexia can be very difficult since the environment is really emphasizing skill-building in areas directly related

Do all people with dyslexia struggle with reading, writing and spelling the same way?

Actually, everyone’s dyslexia is unique. In general, some people can be considered mile, moderate or severe overall. But for all sorts of reasons each individual has their own unique profile. Many dyslexic people, with proper intervention, become sufficient readers while many will struggle with spelling especially in English. More on that later!

What are some of the signs of dyslexia?

Here are some common signs that could suggest dyslexia. However, other learning issues may be causing these learning problems so we have to be careful. It is important to fully screen and evaluate a person specifically for dyslexia in order to be sure about the correct diagnosis. Learning to speak Learning letters and their sounds

What is it?