
debunking myths about Dyslexia

Dyslexia – The Misunderstood Learning Ability

When it comes to Dyslexia, we’re almost there in terms of understanding what it means for a child to live with this learning difference. Many parents whose children are challenged with a learning difference are compelled to delve deeper into learning more about it. However, there’s a large portion of people who have developed several

dyslexia assessment

Dyslexia Guide: How Parents and Teachers can Address the Learning Needs of a Dyslexic Child

One of the most common learning disabilities, and yet one of the least known in India, Dyslexia affects between 5%-12% of all students across the world. It is a special kind of learning difficulty that primarily affects the ability to identify, read, and spell words. For those who are unaware, Dyslexia is generally considered inherited.

ed tech

Unlocking The Future For Our Indian Children: Embracing Ed Tech

Education has remained broadly the same for hundreds of years. Technology is changing that. Quickly.   And Indian parents and teachers are at the forefront of adopting Ed Tech tools to further support our children.   According to a recent article in the Indian Express, 95% of Indian parents were the most likely of any culture

This School Year Will Be Messy. That’s OK.

This is an extraordinary article to read and share in light of our experience with the pandemic. I feel so strongly that we assume social and emotional curriculum works like magic.  Not so…particularly when so many of us are stressed to the max right now.  This year it is about LISTENING and being comfortable with

True Literacy Partner Spotlight: Dr. Anupma Sethi

Please allow me to introduce you to our new partner for True Literacy.  Dr. Anupma Sethi is a very skilled clinician who will be guest posting for our blog as well as creating modules that will provide specific techniques and strategies for parents and teachers to work with our children at home and at school. 

digital divide

The Forward-Looking Growth of Education in India

On July 9, 2020 , Dr. Michael Hart and Devishobha Chandramouli, founder and CEO of Kidskintha, sat down with Dr. Rod Berger for a conversation about how the worldview on education is changing, and specifically how it affects India. Hart and Chandramouli discuss a variety of topics including the availability of resources, affordability, the digital

Education Adjustments During COVID-19 and Solutions for Lost Time

In this installment of the True Literacy video column, Dr. Michael Hart shares his thoughts on the limitations of online learning platforms during this unprecedented pandemic and the path ahead to address lost learning. He points to statistics out of Los Angeles, Chicago, and Atlanta emphasizing nearly 25% failure of student logins and a consistent lack of computer

The NSA and Dyslexia: A Love Story

Soon after relocating my learning disabilities (mostly dyslexia) diagnostic practice to Annapolis, Maryland I encountered a bit of a mystery during my family interviews. Fortunately it turned out to be a lovely mystery. In the mid to late 1990’s I had a thriving practice evaluating and diagnosing a wide range of learning issues for kids

English: “Irregular Words” or “A Rich Verbal Tapestry?”

“English spelling is unusual because our language is a rich verbal tapestry woven together from the tongues of the Greeks, the Latins (Romans), the Anglo Saxons, the Celtics, the 76’ers, and many other ancient peoples, all of whom had severe drinking problems.” — Dave Barry, humorist The drums are beating louder and louder about the