settingsA creative tool like Scribeasy can change the life-long story for all types of young people.
My dedication to create the platform began with my journey as an arts educator seeing too many children and adults afraid to take risks and unskilled in originating ideas from a blank page. When my dyslexic and left-handed son started to 'fall behind' with his writing, my concern was how to turn the homework tears into joy, creativity and achievement.
The language we learn and reach for to use for self-expression not only shape our ability and confidence to communicate, but can begin to shape us: a limited vocabulary and untapped imagination will hold a person back from reaching for the stars.
Scribeasy's success is its photo-real, audio-visual approach that makes writing a visceral experience for children. Generating image combinations with information encourages reading and writing, and an invention process that never yields the same story result.
Scribeasy is a powerful method that provokes the senses, memories for stories.
More so, with fast-changing times on everyone's lips and an increasing call for creativity, soft skills and resilience as future job requirements: Scribeasy affords children a free space to discover more about themselves.
Creative writing is about resolving stories, and that requires a fusion of skills and deeper processing levels.
As a founder, it's rewarding to hear how quickly students grow in confidence, and write more with Scribeasy. What more could one ask for than providing the right learning conditions for young people to seed the skills for visualizing, entrepreneurship and life-long curiosity. Even a little bit of imagination can go a very long way.
I hope you'll enjoy the time as much as I do, creating stories with your children.
Amanda, founder of Scribeasy