What is Dyslexia?
What is it?

Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that impacts a person's ability to learn how to read, write and spell at a level you would expect based on their overall functioning. In other words, dyslexia is not correlated with intelligence. Most dyslexics are average in intelligence but, due to how their brain is wired, struggle with literacy skills.

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What is it?

The key point here is that many decades of research have confirmed that dyslexia is a language-based issue. Many different components of language processing are involved and we're going to discuss each one of them in this program.

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What is it?

As you can imagine, dyslexia can make it very hard to succeed in school in the usual educational environment. Students with dyslexia required specialized instructional approaches in order for them to become proficient readers. In some parts of the world there are laws and statues that govern the types of special education support services that should be available to those who have been properly identified through valid and reliable screening and formal evaluations.

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What is Dyslexia?
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